

(1) Ran Zhou, Mingyin Yan, Feng Sun, Junjie Jin, Qiang Li, Fangchao Xu, Ming Zhang, Xiaoyou Zhang, Kimihiko Nakano, Experimental validations of a magnetic energy-harvesting suspension and its potential application for self-powered sensing, Energy, Vol.239, Part C, 2022.1.15, DOI:10.1016/j.energy.2021.122205

(2) Xutao Mei, Ran Zhou, Bo Yang, Xhengxi Zhou, Kimihiko Nakano, Combining magnet-induced nonlinearity and centrifugal softening effect to realize high-efficiency energy harvesting in ultralow-frequency rotation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.505, 2021.8.4., DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116146

(3) Wei Zhao, Rencheng Zheng, Xiangran Yin, Xilu Zhao, Kimihiko Nakano, An Electromagnetic Energy Harvester of Large-Scale Bistable Motion by Application of Stochastic Resonance, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol.144, 2022.2, DOI:10.1115/1.4051265

(4) Bo Yang, Koichiro Inoue, Satoshi Kitazaki, Kimihiko Nakano, Influences on Drivers’ Understandings of Systems by Presenting Image Recognition Results, 2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops), 2022.1.10, DOI:10.1109/IVWorkshops54471.2021.9669225

(5) Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Edric John Cruz Nacpil, Kimihiko Nakano, Modeling and Analysis of driver behavior under shared control through weighted visual and haptic guidance, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, pp.1-13, 2022.1, DOI: 10.1049/itr2.12163

(6) Zheng Wang, Satoshi Suga, Edric John Cruz Nacpil, Bo Yang, Kimihiko Nakano, Effect of Fixed and sEMG-Based Adaptive Shared Steering Control on Distracted Driver Behavior, Sensors, Vol.21, No22, 7691, 2021.11, DOI: 10.3390/s21227691

(7) Wei Zhao, Kimihiko Nakano, Xilu Zhao, An elliptical rail-mass-spring mechanism to realize multi-stable circulation motion for electromagnetic-energy harvesting, AIP Advances 11, 105213(2021), 2021.10, DOI:10.1063/5.0062961

(8) Edric John Cruz Nacpil, Zheng Wang, Kimihiko Nakano, Application of Physiological Sensors for Personalization in Semi-autonomous Driving: A Review, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 18, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3100038, (Review)

(9) Bo Yang, Jieqing Ning, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Munetaka Nishihira, Kimihiko Nakano, Effects of Exterior Lighting System of Parked Vehicles on the Behaviors of Cyclists, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3114431

(10) Edric John Cruz Nacpil,Zheng Wang, Zhanhong Yan, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Surface Electromyography-controlled Pedestrian Collision Avoidance: A Driving Simulator Study, IEEE Sensors,Vol21, 2021.6, DOI 10.1109/JSEN 2021.3070597

(11) Hailing Fu, Xutao Mei, Daniil Yuchenko, Shengxi Zhou, Stephanos Theodossiades, Kimihiko Nakano, Eric M.Yeatman, Rotational energy harvesting for self-powered sensing (Review), Joule, 2021.5, https://doi.org/10/1016/j.joule.2021.03.006 (Review)

(12) Tsutomu Kaizuka, Hiroyuki Iwamoto, Kimihiko Nakano, Active structural modal control for sound reduction in an enclosure:Experimental verification, Applied Acoustics, 178, 107965, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.107965

(13) Zheng Wang, Satoshi Suga, Edric John Cruz Nacpil, Zhanhong Yan, Kimihiko Nakano, Adaptive Drive-Automation Shared Steering Control via Forearm Surface Electromyography Measurement, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.21, No.4, 2.2021. DOI:10.1109/JSEN.2020.3035169

(14) Xutao Mei, Ran Zhou, Shitong Fang, Shengxi Zhou, Bo Yang, Kimihiko Nakano, Theoretical modeling and experimental validation of the centrifugal softening effect for high-efficiency energy harvesting in ultralow-frequency rotational motion, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 152 107424, 2021.5.1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107424

(15) Shoya Kuniyuki, Takatoshi Hondo, Mitsugi Suzuki, Takefumi Miyamoto, Kimihiko Nakano, Estimation algorithm for wheelset angle of attack using a single-wheel creep-force model and Kalman filter, 9th International Symposium on Speed-up and Sustainable Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems (STECH2021), Chiba, Japan, November 23-25,2021 (ONLINE).

(16) Zheng Wang, Tomohito Fujita, Katsuyuki Matsuhashi, Takayuki Shinohara, Hirotoshi Hata, Bo Yang, Kimihiko Nakano, On-board Monitoring System for Decreased Deceleration Detection of Railway Vehicle, 9th International Symposium on Speed-up and Sustainable Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems (STECH2021), Chiba, Japan, Nov23-25. 2021.(Online)

(17) Muhua Guan, Zheng Wang, Bo Yang, Kimihiko Nakano, A Classified Driver's Lane-Change Decision-Making Model Based on Fuzzy Inference for Highly Automated Driving, 2nd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS2021), Sep 8-10.2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICHMS53169.2021.9582453

(18) Gia Quoc Bao Tran, Zheng Wang, Yusuke Koge, Kimihiko Nakano, Surface Electromyography-controlled Automotive Braking Assistance System Using Deep Learning Method, 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, New York, USA, Jul. 2021.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80012-3_16

(19) Bo Yang, Koichiro Inoue, Satoshi Kitazaki, Kimihiko Nakano,Influences on Drivers' Understandings of Systems by Presenting Image Recognition Results,IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops, July 2021

(20) 齊藤 拓海,楊 波, 王 正,中野 公彦,北崎 智之, 信号交差点における一般道レベル2運転支援時の適切な運転引継ぎを支援するHMI要件, 第19回 ITSシンポジウム, 2021.12.9(オンライン)

(21) 蒒 煒, 王 正, 楊 波, 中野 公彦, カップリング効果を考慮した緊急衝突回避制御, 第19回 ITSシンポジウム, 2021.12.9(オンライン)

(22) 筒井晴香、自動運転技術の論理に関する論点・課題の整理、科学技術社会論学会第20回年次研究大会(STS2021),2020.12.5.(オンライン)

(23) 齊藤 拓海, 楊 波, 王 正, 中野 公彦, 北崎 智之, 一般道レベル2運転支援時の適切な運転引継ぎを支援するHMI要件, 日本機械学会第30回交通・物流部門大会(TRANSLOG),2021.12.3(オンライン)

(24) 平井 暦, 中野 公彦, 鈴木 貢, 本堂 貴敏, 國行 翔哉, 宮本 岳史, PQ輪軸による曲率の推定値を用いた車輪・レール間の接触状態モニタリング,第28回鉄道技術連合シンポジウム(J-RAIL2021),2021.12.1(オンライン)

(25) 田中 雄大, 齊藤 拓海, 楊 波, 中野 公彦, 視覚を用いた加速度情報の事前提示による動揺病の抑制, Dynamics and Design Conference2021(D&D2021), 東京大学, 2021.9.13~9.17(オンライン)

(26) 中野 公彦, 藪井 知亜, 安藤 孝幸, 楊 波, 道路横断面に複数配置した磁気マーカーによる車両ヨー角推定, Dynamics and Design Conference2021(D&D2021), 東京大学, 2021.9.13~9.17(オンライン)