

(1) Yunshun Zhang, Rencheng Zheng, Keisuke Shimono, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Effectiveness Testing of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for an Automobile Wheel using Stochastic Resonance, Sensors 2016, 16, 1727, DOI:10.3390/s16101727

(2) Tsutomu Kaizuka, Nobuo Tanaka, Kimihiko Nakano, Active control of sound transmission using structural modal filters, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol.381, pp.14-29., 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2016.06.018

(3) M.Aki, T.Rojanaarpa, K.Nakano, Y.Suda, Road Surface Recognition Using Laser Radar for Automatic Platooning, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System Society, 2016, DOI:10.1109/TITS.2016.2528892

(4) Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Yuandong Yin, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Kimihiko Nakano, Analysis of influence on driver behaviour while using in-vehicle traffic lights with application of head-up display, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, pp.1-7., 2016, DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2015.0179

(5) Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Hiromitsu Ishiko, Kenji Hagita, Makoto Kihira, and Toshiya Yokozeki, Eye-gaze tracking analysis of driver behavior while interacting with navigation systems in an urban area, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 546-556, 2016., DOI:10.1109/THMS.2015.2504083

(6) Kimihiko Nakano,Xin chu,Rencheng Zheng,Tsutomu kaizuka,Atsushi Ishihara,Motoaki Hibi,The effect of haptic guidance control on driving maneuver during time switching to manual from automated driving, Proc. of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Congress (Autumn), 2016, pp.489-492

(7) Kimihiko Nakano, Taishi Matsui, Keisuke Shimono, Rencheng Zheng, Ttsutomu Kaizuka, Effect of the In-vehicle Traffic Sign on Driving Behavior and Gaze Movement, 23rd ITS World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2016-10

(8) Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Keisuke Shimono, Kimihiko Nakano, Evaluation of Driver Steering Performance with Haptic Guidance under Passive Fatigued Situation, IEEE SMC 2016, Budapest, Hungary, 2016-10

(9) T Kaizuka, K Nakano, Active vibration control of a plate using vibration gradients, Movic RASD 2016, Southampton, U.K., 2016-07

(10)K Nakano, D Su, R Zheng, M Cartmell, On the influence of nonlinearities on vibrational energy transduction under band-limited noise excitations, Movic RASD 2016, Southampton, U.K., 2016-07

(11)Y Zhang, K Nakano, R Zheng, M P Cartmell, Adjustable Nonlinear Mechanism System for Wideband Energy Harvesting in Rotational Circumstances, Movic RASD 2016, Southampton, U.K., 2016-07

(12)Y Fukumori, R Hayashi, H Okano, Y Suda and K Nakano, Study on coupled shock absorber system using four electromagnetic dampers, Movic RASD 2016, Southampton, U.K., 2016-07 

(13) 張云順,鄭仁成,江尻賢治,蘇東旭,中野公彦,低速走行中の車両タイヤ振動におけるエネルギーハーベスティングのモデル解析,日本機械学会論文集,2016,82巻840号,DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.15-00645

(14) 武村雄平,中野公彦,貝塚勉,宮本岳史,鈴木貢,測定値を用いたカルマンフィルタによる車輪・レール間の摩擦係数推定可能性の検討,第23回鉄道技術連合シンポジウム講演論文集,2016-12

(15) 杉町敏之,中野公彦,須田義大,ドライビングシュミレータを用いた情報提供によるEVの充電行動の変容に関する研究,第25回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,No.16-36,2016-11.12

(16) 関正寛,貝塚勉,鄭仁成,櫻井俊彰,槇徹雄,中野公彦,曲線半径が前方注視距離に与える影響の評価,第25回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,No.16-36,2016-11.12

(17) 岩渕拓哉,貝塚勉,鄭仁成,櫻井俊彰,槇徹雄,中野公彦,路面反力トルク提示量が運転挙動に与える影響,第25回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,No.16-36,2016-11.12

(18) 鄭用鉉,杉町敏之,中野公彦,田淵義彦,須田義大,折野好倫,山本浩司,亀岡弘之,高橋秀喜,岡徳之,吉野加容子,加藤俊徳,標識と情報板に対する脳計測を用いたドライビングシュミレータの臨場感向上のメカニズムに関する研究,第25回交通・物流部門大会講演論文集,No.16-36,2016-11.12

(19) 霜野慧亮,貝塚勉,中野公彦,坂井英児,河野通嘉,半車体モデルと独立成分分析を用いた走行時振動加速度からの路面形状推定,自動車技術会2016年秋季大会学術講演会講演予稿集,2016-10,pp.1028-1031.

(20) Kimihiko Nakano,Xin chu,Rencheng Zheng,Tsutomu kaizuka,Atsushi Ishihara,Motoaki Hibi,The effect of haptic guidance control on driving maneuver during time switching to manual from automated driving,自動車技術会2016年秋季大会学術講演会講演予稿集, 2016-10, pp.489-492

(21) 貝塚勉,中野公彦,振動勾配制御による振動放射音の低減,日本機械学会Dynamic and Design Conference USB論文集,No.16-15,2016-08

(22) 霜野慧亮,貝塚勉,中野公彦,坂井英児,河野通嘉,車両特性を考慮した独立成分分析による複数点の加速度計データを用いた路面形状推定,日本機械学会Dynamic and Design Conference USB論文集,No.16-15,2016-08

(23) 中野公彦,増井太志,霜野慧亮,鄭仁成,貝塚勉,車内で道路標識を表示することが運転行動に与える影響,自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集,2016-05,pp.69-72